Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The trip with massive dehydration

Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness
7/23 - 7/26/15

I was feeling the need for a challenge and wanted a backpacking trip that would leave me feeling like I had "survived" something. I got my wish, but it did not work out as planned. I had permission for a 5 night trip, so my challenge would be to see as much of the Slickrock and Citco Creek Wildernesses as possible.

The night before I was to leave, we went to dinner with the neighbors. And then we went for after dinner drinks. I think I would have been fine if I had limited myself to one drink, but they tasted good and I had a second. The kids woke up at their usual 7am which meant I was on track to getting to the trailhead around noon. But, I wasn't able to finish breakfast since my stomach was bothering me. I wanted to get going so I figured I would just get something to eat on the way. It turns out a greasy sausage biscuit from the gas station Hardee's was not a good idea.

I got to the Slickrock Creek Trailhead around 2pm after initially driving right past it. The book wasn't kidding when it said it was just over the bridge. There was a forecast for rain, but it looked like it might hold off. I headed down the trail and proceeded to get pretty wet from the rainwater already on the bushes.

Looking down the embayment where Slickrock Creek meets the lake

Looking up the creek

Those were the only pictures for the day because it started to rain soon after heading up the creek. Not to mention all of the creek crossings (felt like a couple hundred, but more like 8) made me leave my phone in its ziplock bag. Some of the creek crossings are not very well marked and in places the creek was up to my crotch. It was one of the few times I wished for hiking poles. But, I only fell in the creek once and since it was close to getting dark, I decided to make camp right there. Approximately six very wet miles were plenty for a hungover late start.

It stopped raining long enough to set up my hammock, but started to sprinkle as I was cooking dinner and continued to rain lightly most of the night. By the time I woke up, the rain had passed, but my hiking shorts and shirt were still pretty wet. The wet did not matter since there were a couple more creek crossings.

It was an easy hike up to the intersection with the Big Fat Gap trail. Nice new signs at the trail intersection of Slickrock Creek and Big Fat trail. I could smell the fresh wood. Saw more of these signs later in the day.

Up to Big Fat Gap and then south on Hangover Lead Trail toward Haoe. Stopped for a break under a big rock.

Some glimpses of a view through the trees

I passed a couple of seeps below Saddle Tree gap that I should have taken advantage of. By the time I got to the Hangover, I did not have much water left. I spent some time watching the clouds and birds while having lunch. I drank the remainder of my water and had a decision to make, one that I would come to regret.

So decision time, it was about 3:00 and I had planned on camping at Naked Ground which was only about a mile away. Since I hate sitting around, I decided I would go the long way, down the Deep Creek trail around Rock Creek Knob and then up the Haoe Lead Trail. It would add about 6 miles but I thought there was a good chance I could do it in about 3 hours since it was a little bit down hill, then follow a contour then back up to Haoe. At worst, I would make a dry camp somewhere along the trail. The guidebook said that there was water a little ways down the Deep Creek Trail and there was (~.5 miles). The first ~1.5 miles was easy downhill walking and then the trail became massively overgrown. The "trail" is straight ahead in the picture below.

At one point, there was a massive downfall across the trail and in the process of going over/around the fall, I lost the trail. It took me about 15 minutes to find it after exploring up and down the slope. I had visions of bushwacking towards the Haoe Lead trail that was about .5 miles away. I got enough water for the night near the trail intersection and then continued around Rock Creek Knob and up towards Jenkins Meadow. Finally running out of daylight I set up camp just off the trail.

Woke the next morning to a nice sunrise breaking through the clouds.

I packed up and headed up the trail. Within about 30 minutes, I was dragging and I had finished my water. Within an hour, I began to wonder if I would be able to make it to Naked Ground and more water. The approximately 2 miles and 1000 foot climb to the Hangover Lead Trail took a long time and I became more dehydrated. In retrospect, I had not had enough salt in the preceding 24 hours in addition to needing more water. I passed a couple of backpackers who had been at Naked Ground the night before and I was really regretting that I had not been there as well. Once I got to the trail intersection, I had another decision to make. I could continue to Naked Ground, get water, rest and reevaluate. Or, I could head North on Haoe Lead Trail towards Big Fat Gap and then the car. I knew that there would be water just under the Hangover since I had passed it the day before.

I decided that I was not having fun and I could make it the approximately 7.5 miles back to the car, so I headed north towards Big Fat Gap and then Yellowhammer Gap. I stopped to enjoy the view in the small clearing below the Hangover. It was neat to see the wind moving the clouds up and over the mountain sides. (I think this link will be a better quality video)

I made it to Big Fat Gap and decided to keep heading due north on the Haoe Lead towards Yellowhammer Gap. That section of trail is also very overgrown, it clearly doesn't get a lot of use.

I made it back to the car and changed into dry clothes, then headed towards home. Still feeling pretty crappy, I did not even want a beer. I stopped at McDonald's in Alcoa and added some extra salt to my cheeseburger :) and then proceeded home.

I'm not good with flowers, but I saw a couple nice lillies (I think) and some of the last Mountain Laurel during the couple days.

Once again the Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness got the best of me. The good thing was my knee did not give me any troubles, evidently climbing 20 flights of stairs on a regular basis has helped.

I also learned a lesson that you would think would have been learned a long time ago. Don't have a second after dinner cocktail the night before leaving for a challenging backpacking trip. Lesson learned. In retrospect, given the weather forecast and my hangover, I should have just waited a day and made it a 4 night trip vs. 5 nights. I'll definitely be back to the area again.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Boy's Trip to Bee Rock (KY)

I had stumbled across mention of Bee Rock campground on kywilderness.com and thought it sounded like a good place for a trip with the kids. We had nice weather in the middle of the week, so the boy and I headed off for our first "boys trip" together.

The Rockcastle river was very high from all of the recent rain. We both enjoyed watching the tree branches floating down the river and under the bridge. We hiked to the top of Bee Rock (top of the picture below) where one of us enjoyed the views.

 Then a campfire, brats, roasted marshmallow for the boy, and a ~4 year old homebrewed "Old Ale" for me.

On our way out, we stopped one more time to "talk" the the geese

A great way to spend 24 hours with my son.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Saison #2

Saison #2 in my summer of saisons

Brewed 3/7/15
12 gallons
Intended OG: 1.048
Actual OG: 1.047 @ 12 gallons
IBU: 24 (modified Tinseth)

Weyerman Bo Pils - 15#
Weyerman Munich (6L) - 4#
Rye Malt - 4#

total - 23#

Nelson Sauvin ( ) - 1oz @ 60 mins
Nelson Sauvin ( ) - 1oz @ 3 mins
Willamette ( ) - 2oz @ 3 mins

Split into 3 x 4 gallons
- Dupont cake from Saison #1
- OYL Saisonstein Monster
- stepped up dregs from Wicked Week Bretticent

Mashed at 150 degrees for 60 minutes
Mashout at 168

Pitched at 68 degrees and let temperatures rise to 75 degrees
Bottled on 3/29 - half of each got Orval dregs at bottling
Labeled as
S2B - Saison #2 Bretticent
S2BO - Saison #2 Bretticent w/ Orval
S2S - Saison #2 Saisonstein
S2SO - Saisonstein w/ Orval
S2D - Dupont
S2DO - Dupont w/ Orval

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day at the Gorge

I managed to get to the Gorge on an absolutely perfect Friday (4/24). Got to the trailhead about 10:30 and temps were right about 50 and no clouds. Started up the Douglas trail to explore Eagles Point, by the time I was 30 minutes from the from the car, I needed to take off my fleece, never needed it again.

Falls from Below

An "eagle" from the bottom of the falls

A seep about half way to the top

From Eagles Point

Looking down at Eagles Falls

There were lots of birds, not much doubt where the name comes from. I spent a lot of time just watching the birds soar and enjoying a beverage.

Based on this picture, I think the eagles are actually vultures

Surprisingly, there were not many wildflowers, I saw one iris that was just beginning to bloom and a couple redbuds, and these unknowns. (edit:Thanks to "copper creek" on kywilderness.com I now know that the purple flower is wild geranium and the yellow is ragwort.)

The Red River looked very inviting, but it was cold.

Based on a previous visit, I think these are otter tracks.

A redbud and a "white" tree near Copperas creek

I took my tripod so I could play with shutter speeds a little more than last time. The falls were still impressive, but the creek was a lot lower than a month ago.

I passed a couple groups of backpackers that almost certainly ended up wet if the weather in the gorge on Sat. was anything like Lexington, still a perfect Friday is hard to beat.

Saison #1

 Saison #1

The first of many saisons in my attempt to figure out what works and what doesn't.

Brewed 2/4/15
5.5 gallons
Intended SG: 1.046
Actual SG: 1.046 @ 5.2 gallons
IBU: 27 (modified Tinseth)

Weryerman Bohemian Pils - 8#
Weyerman Munich (6L) - 1#

Total - 9#

Wilamette (5.3%)
1oz @ 60 mins
1oz @ 10 mins

Starter cultured from Dupont

Mash @ 148 for 60 mins
Mashout @ 168
Fermented at 75 degrees
gravity dropped to 1.003 in 7 days

Bottled on 3/7
1/2 got Orval dregs and 1/2 plain

4/26: Just mowed my lawn for the first time this spring. This must be how a field worker in Belgium felt 100 years ago :)

5/12: The Orval version in a Duvel tulip
A: Very nice almost perfectly white head, it eventually drops to a thin film leaving no lace.
S: Hint of spice, slight graininess, very muted.
T: Very dry with a slight Pils malt sweetness, the Dupont yeast is there, but the Orval dregs have not done too much, even though this has been in the bottle for 2 months.
M: Started with a lot of tingly carbonation, but that has faded by then end, very dry/lingering on the tongue.
O: A good, but definitely not great saison. I will happily finish off these bottles, but definitely needs improvement. Maybe a higher fermentation temp and another pound of Munich.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My ugly burner stand

Based on this thread (or something similar) on homebrewtalk.com I decided to build a very basic stand to hold my, at the time, new hurricane burner.

Here are a couple of pictures. Homedepot and Lowes did not have the correct right angle connections that I needed and the online place was temporarily out of stock as well. They did have right angle connections with an "extra" side that sticks out, but I decided that this was going to be ugly no matter what I did :)

I used two 90 degree angles, on three sides to support the burner, it is not attached, it just sits on top of the connected angles.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Robust Porter

Robust Porter
6 gallons
brewed 1/27/14

Intended SG: 1.055
Actual SG: 5.5 gallons @ 1.052
SRM: 31
IBU: 46

Gambrinus ESB Malt - 7#
Weyerman Munich (6L) - 4#
C80 - 1#
Chocolate Malt - .75#
Chocolate Wheat - .25#
Special Roast - .5#

Total - 13.5#

Mt Hood (4.5%) 2.5oz @ 60 mins
Mt Hood (4.5%) 2.5oz @ 5 mins

Wyeast 1968 cake from brown ale

Mash at 152 for 60 mins
Mashout at 165

Fermented at 68 for ~2 weeks
Kegged 2/14/14 left in basement for almost a year

Finally tapped this at the end of Jan 2015, so almost 1 year in the basement

A: Almost completely black, but when held up to a bright light, there are hints of dark ruby highlights. Very thick light tan head that leaves a ton of lace, I would assume this is the chocolate wheat but there is only .25# out of a total of 13.5# so not really sure.

S: Not much going on in the nose, slight hint of roasted malts

T: Chocolate, light roast, slight bitterness, distinct maltiness (Munich?)

M: Creamy and dry at the same time, might be a touch of tannins, but probably just the roasted malts and the Munich coming across as dry on the tongue.

O: I really like this beer, I am going to be disappointed when this keg kicks. I don't know if it is the long "lagering" or something else, but this beer just works. The only thing I would do different is to sub a little C120 for C80, maybe .25# to try to add a little sweetness/flavor. Will definitely brew something similar again.

Note: picture taken on patio after 14 inches of snow (3/5/15)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Pine Mountain State Park

We rented a one bedroom cabin at Pine Mountain State Park. I got to do a little hiking both with and without the kids.

Honeymoon Falls

For my alone time, I started at the bottom of the Laurel Cove trail and headed up to Chained Rock. Along the way, the trail passes under Powderhorn Arch

My guess is this trail is one of the original in the park and was built by the CCC. It basically goes straight up and only switchbacks where it absolutely has to, a tough way to gain 1000 ft in about 1.5 miles.

Then up to Chained Rock. I first headed out the Timber Ridge trail and around Rock Hotel (nothing worth a picture since my battery was low), then back down to the car. A decent hike, but a good workout, about 5 miles and 1500 ft in 2 hours.